

I still remember writing my first blog in this class, and here we are at our last one. I have many things to be grateful for in these past couple of years, but here's a little list of things from this class:) 1. Firstly I would like to thank Eshaal from reminding me that this gem existed: This game has helped me through boredom in many of my classes and is a little to addicting... 2. I would like to thank Ms. Feldkamp for introducing me to many amazing books and characters like Santiago in the Alchemist turning into the wind, and Meursault killing people for no reason in the Stranger. You have been an amazing teacher, and thank you for making 3rd hour an enjoyable place (and thank you for bringing in Coda everyday) :) 3. I would also like to thank some of the people in our 3rd hour like Miyabi, Eshaal, and Kira for making me laugh everyday in class. I'm grateful for Janhavi reminding me what the French homework was everyday, and I'm grateful for Fran and I’s daily anatomy r...

This I Have Learned

    I still remember the first day of high school... now granted it was in my room, behind my laptop, but nonetheless it was the day that marked the start of a chapter that will all too suddenly now come to an end. Thinking back I honestly don't know where the time has gone but at the same time I feel like I have been in this time warp for way too long. I guess to start off I've learned that ending a chapter of your life shouldn't be so sad, it just means that better chapters are yet to come, and I've come to understand the cheesy quote we've all heard from the one and only Dr. Seuss, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." We're all going to go our own ways and live our own lives, but the memories never fade.    I've learned to never fear new things, because I've only ever regretted not doing something, and it's crazy to me to think back and imagine my life without having joined some of the sports, or decided to d...

10 Books in 10 Years

10 Books in 10 years. I am honestly glad that we got this assignment because I have had a lengthy reading list for the longest time but just haven't started getting into the books yet, but I feel that having books mapped out like this will be very helpful:)

Hope is the Thing with Feathers

 On my search for a poem for the poetry panel project I came across a poem by Emily Dickinson that I absolutely loved, yet we ultimately chose not to go for in the project: “Hope” is the thing with feathers BY  EMILY DICKINSON “Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all - And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me.    I loved the imagery of a bird in our hearts keeping us filled with hope, but what intrigued me was this line: "sings the tune without the words - and never stops - at all-".     If you notice it never said that we stopped hearing the bird's song, but only that the bird never stops singing, and for that, I really loved this line. Hope is always in us, yet sometimes ...

Why I Love Poetry

   This week as a class we were asked to raise our hands if we didn't like poetry, and to my surprise almost everyone raised their hand. People stated reasons such as the difficulty of finding meaning within strands of words that don't seem to fit in, the plethora of literary devices and terms that come with learning poetry, and many more, but I for one disagree. I think that the fact that it's so hard to decode a poem makes the final message all the more influential and worthy to us, and the fact that there is no one message makes poetry so much more fitted and personal to every one of us. I love the fact that you can put a lesson worth a million words into a mismatch of 3 stanzas, I love how every time you read a poem you notice something new and intriguing, and most of all I love how poetry is like a puzzle, where it may be frustrating to piece together, but when you do you have something to look back on for years to come. How I feel when I write poetry   Now I don't...

A Reflection

I hope this resonates with some of you, and if it doesn't... well... I hope it one day might.     Reflections... something we all sometimes forget to do, yet something integral to all of our individual growths. Looking back on this last semester, I have a lot to thank for in Ms. Feldkamp's AP Lit class, one of which is the new spiritual journey of sorts that I find myself in. This started over the summer while reading "The Alchemist" as I felt a connection with Santiago's journey, but more than that, his yearn to discover his Personal Legend. What struck me at the time was how people responded to the novel. Most people I asked thought it was corny or boring, but I couldn't understand this. The deep nature of the words telling the tale of every person, the way that anyone could mold the story to fit their life, but more so the purpose that Santiago was trying to find within his own life really intrigued me more than I thought it would. Even moving on to second ...

The Painted View of Stories

     Every author has written a story with no end. Every published novel, poem, and even song has an everlasting journey that stands the test of time. You might be wondering why this is, but the answer lies in the hands of the readers. As quickly as society may change, so does a whole population's opinion of a book , and this has led to many stories’ downfalls . Does known social barriers within a novel result in self-imposed narrations created through suppositions , or does it leave the reader lost in the intellect of the author ?