10 Books in 10 Years

10 Books in 10 years. I am honestly glad that we got this assignment because I have had a lengthy reading list for the longest time but just haven't started getting into the books yet, but I feel that having books mapped out like this will be very helpful:)

1. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close:

I feel that this book will help rekindle my love for books as it seems to have a very interesting story line and I love stories where the protagonist goes on some sort of a mission. This story is about a nine-year-old who goes on a journey to decipher a cryptic message left behind by his father who died in 9/11.
2. The Song of Achilles:

This story stems around the Trojan War in the perspective of Patroclus. I had heard that this was an interesting story as Patroclus is a young prince who becomes exiled from his own kingdom and is sent to another kingdom to be raised by a soldier. Reading mythological books isn't something I typically do, so I feel that this book would open a gateway to a new genre for me.  
3. A Thousand Splendid Suns:

This story is about two women whose lives become unexpectedly intertwined in war-torn Afghanistan. The story is about women rights under the Taliban and Mariam's father pushing her into a marriage with a man named Rasheed. I feel that this story will really give me a different point of view outside of what I am used to, enriching my knowledge in literature.

4. Where the Crawdads Sing:

This book really caught my attention as I have heard a lot of great things about it from Kira, and it is about a girl who raised herself in marshlands and the story is a murder mystery as a man that she has become close to dies and she then becomes the main suspect. The story unfolds as the case unfolds, and I feel that this book would be really interesting and make me dive into reading even more. 

5. Pride & Prejudice:

I've heard a lot about this story and many arguments on whether or not it's a good book so I would love to see for myself if it's a worthwhile read. I've heard that there's a lot of bickering in the story and that's why lots of people don't enjoy it, but after some research I've found that the novel is about the relationship between the daughter of a country gentleman and a rich aristocratic landowner.

6. Their Eyes Were Watching God:

This story is about a girl's quest to finding true love, and the story is the narration that the protagonist gives to her friend of her story on her three marriages. What pulled me to this novel were the deep themes of independence and self-fulfillment that the main character finds within herself, something relatable for many young adults.

7. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder:

I really want to get into murder mysteries and my friend recommended me this book which is about a murder that happened in this girl's town, and her boyfriend was the murderer yet the body was never found. The girl chooses to try to research the case as her final year project at school. I feel that I would love a murder mystery yet I haven't delved into this genre yet.

8. The Cousins:

This book was also recommended to me by a friend who loves murder mysteries, and I feel after "a good girl's guide to murder," if I love the genre this would be a really good next book to read. It's about a woman who disinherited her kids with nothing but a letter saying, "You know what you did," later she invites some cousins to an island that she lives in and "nothing is as it seems."

9. Circe:

I really enjoy reading fiction books, and "Circe" was recommended to me as it was about a girl who discovers her powers of sorcery when she turns a human fisherman into a god, but she goes to far and turns her rivals into sea monsters- a mistake that will haunt her for the rest of her life. The main character needs to navigate a world dominated by men, so there are themes of patriarchy and misogyny in the story as well.

10. The City of Brass:

I typically read books that are placed in the modern setting but this novel begins in the 18th century Cairo and is about a talented orphaned con woman who uses sleight of hand to trick Ottoman nobles, but during one of her exorcisms she accidentally summons a djinn warrior. I would love to delve into stories from different time frames and places to further enrich my literary knowledge and I feel that this is the perfect novel to do so.

Till next time,
Melodi Yilmaz💕


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