
I still remember writing my first blog in this class, and here we are at our last one. I have many things to be grateful for in these past couple of years, but here's a little list of things from this class:)

1. Firstly I would like to thank Eshaal from reminding me that this gem existed:

This game has helped me through boredom in many of my classes and is a little to addicting...

2. I would like to thank Ms. Feldkamp for introducing me to many amazing books and characters like Santiago in the Alchemist turning into the wind, and Meursault killing people for no reason in the Stranger. You have been an amazing teacher, and thank you for making 3rd hour an enjoyable place (and thank you for bringing in Coda everyday) :)

3. I would also like to thank some of the people in our 3rd hour like Miyabi, Eshaal, and Kira for making me laugh everyday in class. I'm grateful for Janhavi reminding me what the French homework was everyday, and I'm grateful for Fran and I’s daily anatomy rants:)

Miyabi sleeping in AP Lit

Ending this school year is bittersweet but I have many things to look back on and I have had an overall amazing past 4 years. I am thankful for more things than a blog post could hold, but I am excited to close this chapter in my life and open a new one in college:)

Till next time,
Melodi Yilmaz💕


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