A Reflection

I hope this resonates with some of you, and if it doesn't... well... I hope it one day might.


Reflections... something we all sometimes forget to do, yet something integral to all of our individual growths. Looking back on this last semester, I have a lot to thank for in Ms. Feldkamp's AP Lit class, one of which is the new spiritual journey of sorts that I find myself in. This started over the summer while reading "The Alchemist" as I felt a connection with Santiago's journey, but more than that, his yearn to discover his Personal Legend. What struck me at the time was how people responded to the novel. Most people I asked thought it was corny or boring, but I couldn't understand this. The deep nature of the words telling the tale of every person, the way that anyone could mold the story to fit their life, but more so the purpose that Santiago was trying to find within his own life really intrigued me more than I thought it would. Even moving on to second semester when we started Siddhartha, I found myself in a path of discovery that is hard for me to even understand. As corny as it may seem, I feel new in a journey with which I'm not sure how the outcome will turn out, yet I feel strongly that I will find understanding through new paths that I will take. 

    I guess it seems crazy how everything in our lives really seems like puzzle pieces coming together, and life is us just trying to figure out what that end picture will be. The journey and hardships of trying to piece those pieces together will make that end picture all the more worth it, and maybe without that journey, we wouldn't even be able to understand that end image at all. 

    I guess on a more light-hearted note, this past semester also introduced me to some great movies like "500 Days of Summer" and "Little Miss Sunshine," and it was the time of my first ever debate (which taught me that I will not go in a profession with arguments involved).

    Anyways, this blog post may seem a bit cliché, but I think cliché things are the way they are for a reason. The truth is, sometimes when something seems beneath you it's most likely because you haven't found it within yourself to understand it yet, but when you do, all the puzzle pieces will click into place making the most beautiful picture you could ever imagine:)

Till next time,
Melodi Yilmaz💕


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