This I Have Learned

    I still remember the first day of high school... now granted it was in my room, behind my laptop, but nonetheless it was the day that marked the start of a chapter that will all too suddenly now come to an end. Thinking back I honestly don't know where the time has gone but at the same time I feel like I have been in this time warp for way too long. I guess to start off I've learned that ending a chapter of your life shouldn't be so sad, it just means that better chapters are yet to come, and I've come to understand the cheesy quote we've all heard from the one and only Dr. Seuss, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." We're all going to go our own ways and live our own lives, but the memories never fade.

   I've learned to never fear new things, because I've only ever regretted not doing something, and it's crazy to me to think back and imagine my life without having joined some of the sports, or decided to do some of the things I have done. Sometimes we like to stay in our comfort zones but you honestly have so much more fun when you try new things and live in the moment.

   I have also learned about the value of the little things. I've come to realize that the little things are what truly make you happy: hanging out with your friends, petting Coda on your way out of class:)... I think we sometimes get so caught up in the "big picture" of what we think we should live like, and forget that life is going by and we just have to make the most of it. Most importantly, I've learned to just not take life so seriously. We are in full control of how we act in every aspect of our lives, and when you think back on your life you're just going to remember the best parts, so just have fun:)

Till next time,
Melodi Yilmaz💕


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